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Motus Energy offers

1. Personal coaching

Accomplish your goals easier with personal guidance

  • Learn to trust and listen to your intuition

  • Develop your inner leadership

  • Achieve your full potential


The coaching techniques will depend on the need of the client. You can think of affirmations, visualizations, emotional freedom technics, kinesiology, systemic coaching, grounding, energy cleaning and the enneagram.




2. Consider a moment for yourself

Staying on your feet and growing during impactful events

It is important that you think about yourself in time to process experiences and replenish energy, so that you continue to feel vital. Work pressure, stress, fear, illness, loss and trauma affect your energy, balance and employability.


Of course, staying on your feet is the basis, but impactful events also offer opportunities for growth. Under pressure, not only your limiting patterns, but also your hidden talents and desires become visible. By reflecting on this you go "from survival to life".


The offer
Motus Energy offers individual guidance programs that are aimed at:

  • reduction of stress

  • increase self-awareness and increase vitality

  • development of resilience, including regaining rhythm or balance

  • processing impactful events


The results
After the process you have grown in:

  • reflect on yourself on time

  • stay connected to your goals, wishes and desires by gaining more insight into your mental, emotional, physical and social well-being

  • guard boundaries and ask for help

  • make choices and take actions to restore your balance and stay resilien


On average the number of coach sessions will be four to six of approximately 1.5 hours. Click here for the flyer 'Consider a moment for yourself'.


3. BioEnergetiX Body-Field Scan


When your body is working correctly, it can maintain optimal health, but when it’s not, you begin to break down, get sick, feel tired, and look old before your time. 


But what controls the biochemistry of your body? Well that is … your energy.


Every living thing on the planet gives and receives energy including the cells in your body. This energy forms fields in your body that we call the “Human Body Field”. Your Body-Field transmits information to your cells’ own energy fields about what biochemical functions to perform and in what order. When this energy is blocked, the information is also blocked, and your body becomes tired and ceases to function the way it should. 


When your Body-Field is distorted, you feel like you are always behind the ball, not getting done what you want in a day, stuck in stressful situations, tired, and your body getting out of shape or starting to fall apart. Over time, this severe lack of energy may result in several debilitating diseases.


The company, NES Health, has developed a scanning device for your entire Body-Field that can be attached to your computer. This scanning device can measure the energy distortions in your Body-Field. With me as a BioEnergetiX Practitioner you can take simple and safe steps to restoring your Body-Field such that you can get your optimal health back.​

Energiescan - Energiebron.JPG

This is a remarkable new approach to getting your health back. 

Do you choose a life where you wake up enthusiastic about the day, full of energy, and feeling in control of where you’re going and able to fulfill your highest potential?

For more information check out:




  4. Workshop Being Energetic and 6 months support


The content of the workshop (of 3 hours) is as follows:

  • You will do a baseline measurement (homework in advance): for a week you keep track of what tasks you do. And feel if they give you energy or they cost you energy. Furthermore, you give yourself an overall energy score. This can be done for your work and private life.

  • You will then learn what contributes to increasing your energy level in a sustainable way.

  • You will do the BioEnergetiX Body-Field Scan. This gives you insight what your points of attention are regarding your energy.

  • We will finalize the workshop with an action plan for the coming 2-6 months.


The support is as follows:

  • After 2 months a session of 1.5 hours with the entire group to discuss the progress and you will get a manual with action that you can do to increase your energy.

  • After 4 months a session of 1 hour with the entire group to discuss the progress.

  • After 6 months a session of 1 hour with the entire group with the aim to evaluate and close the process.

  • You can at least do another scan after 2, 4 and 6 months or in the meantime if you want. There will be a scanning device available.

  • If there are any questions during these 6 months, they can always be asked to me.





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