My story
When I look back… I already made a lot of big choices by using my intuition. I studied mathematics because it felt good. I started working at ORTEC because it felt good. I job rotated to the department Global Business Development because it felt good. And each time when I started a study about coaching or energy it felt good to learn more about these topics. Because it was learning and understanding more about myself.
These choices where made from my heart, but in general I had difficulties to use my intuition. A lot of decisions I made were carefully calculated as a true mathematician has learned to do. They cost a lot of time and energy, while the heart can make these choices (more accurate and) effortlessly. And once someone told me while playing squash: “Your mind is not able to calculate all options in the time you have. The world is too complex for that. Your intuition can make these choices faster.”
The training program to become a coach that I completed in 2013 gave me a great deal of insight into people's inner processes and dynamics. I learned techniques to gain a better understanding of people's motives and behaviors. In the process, I learned a lot about myself too, because these techniques were also practiced also with fellow students. Because of that I became aware and let go of:
Emotional reactions on what was happening around me.
My habits and patterns that were holding me back from what I wanted to accomplish.
Convictions that were keeping me from trying new things.
After letting go of these emotions, patterns and convictions, I noticed I was becoming increasingly aware of my sensory perception and was able to use this in making decisions. I’m able to use my initial, intuitive thoughts, that my mind tends to overrule (because a key function of the mind is to keep us safe).
In 2015 I decided to investigate what my goal in life would be. This has been a great journey and is still going on. Each day, it unfolds itself in more and more detail. One of the changes I made is that I stopped avoiding giving presentations. It took three years, but I overcame my fear. The core in this was that I was afraid to show myself. Afraid to be judged, afraid to make mistakes and afraid to be vulnerable. In the end, I can celebrate, because I have been on television!!
To take this step, it gave me so much. So much pleasure, so much freedom and new knowledge to share.
Where coaching and mathematics come together, a whole new world starts.
Technical University of Delft:
Mindvalley courses:
The mastery of sleep by Dr. Michael Breus (2019)
Duality by Jeffrey Allen (2019)
Energy medicine by Donna Eden (started 2018)
Success Resources UK Limited:
Millionaire Mind Intensive (2018)
NES Health:
Achieve today:
Coaching program to develop your potential (2019-2020)